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Impact Report 2022-23

Over the last year, our Digital Health Transformation Service at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has seen a continued appetite from the health teams across the UK to grow their digital portfolios to extend reach to service users.

The breadth of our innovative network of health teams has increased, with more sexual health services coming onboard. We’re working with several specialist nursing teams in areas such as children’s diabetes, specialist autism teams and CAMHS services. School nursing and health visiting teams that have used ChatHealth for a number of years are also utilising our suite of HealthWebsites and HealthForms to engage with children, young people and their parents.

This website demonstrates the impacts of our digital tools in supporting health teams to engage with their service users between April 2022 and March 2023.

Laura Burrowes, Clinical Development Lead
Digital Health Transformation Service, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust


  • Launched the first ChatHealth service in Scotland,  meaning ChatHealth is now available in all countries of the United Kingdom.
  • More ChatHealth conversations than ever before in a year.
  • One of the largest sexual health services in England launched ChatHealth.
  • Three times more people visited Health for Under 5s website than the previous year.

Key achievements

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s Healthy Together team shortlisted for their use of HealthForms in schools

Learn more >
Innovate Awards Winner Innovation Champion of the Year 2022

ChatHealth won Innovation Spread award and Innovation Champion of the Year at the Innovate Awards 2022

Learn more >
Nursing Times Awards 2020

ChatHealth won Nursing Times Awards in the Nursing in Mental Health category

Learn more >

Impact in Numbers



messaging conversations took place in 2022-2023

Adopted by


NHS providers in the UK


(as of March 2023)

Available to support more than

6 million


(as of March 2023)


messages sent from service users in 2022-2023



Local Area sections managed by NHS providers


visitors to in 2022-2023


visitors to in 2022-2023


visitors to in 2022-2023


Adopted by


NHS providers


(as of March 2023)


forms live in 2022-2023 academic year

More than


responses collected annually

Accessibility toolbar used


times for speech, reading and translation support



visitors in 2022-2023


registered users to date

More than


health content libraries offered


video views in 2022-2023


Our innovative digital tools are used across a wide range of NHS services to help connect and engage with service users. Take a look at the Spotlights below to see the impacts of ChatHealth, HealthWebsites, HealthForms and HealthGuidance in these areas of healthcare.

Improved Outcomes

Every year we ask staff users and service leads to share their valuable feedback about the implementation of our digital tools at their organisation. This enables us to improve and develop our processes and products.


  • They said the main drivers for implementing ChatHealth is to improve accessibility and offer more choice of access.
  • 89% felt that awareness levels are moderate to high for their ChatHealth service
  • 92% said they would recommend ChatHealth to other healthcare professionals.


  • They said the main driver for implementing a Local Area section on HealthWebsites is to expand digital offer.
  • 80% felt that awareness levels awareness levels are moderate to high for their HealthWebsites Local Area.
  • 93% said they would recommend HealthWebsites to other healthcare professionals.


  • They said the main drivers for implementing HealthForms are to switch from paper, meet commissioning needs,
    and to change digital platform.
  • They said the most common ways to engage with schools and service users is via letters, presentations and introductory videos.
  • 90% said they would recommend HealthForms to other healthcare professionals.
  • You made the transition work smoothly, working side by side with us to a tried and tested ChatHealth implementation plan. This resulted in a really successful roll out, great ownership within the Health Visiting teams and plenty of enthusiasm to make it work well to support our Hertfordshire babies, children and families.

    Kay Gilmour, Assistant Director of Children’s Universal Services, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
  • We felt greatly supported all the way through the implementation process. The different types of meetings were focused on one aspect of the implementation which was clear and concise. We were also involved with the process to adapt it to the way we would use it which is fantastic.

  • We once had a deaf young person reach out to us - it was the only way for them and subsequently was able to access treatment and support.

Quality Assured Care

Robust processes are behind all our products to ensure that high levels of clinical safety and technical security is central to our work. We are continually assessed and evaluated to meet NHS clinical safety standards and technical quality and security standards.

Risk management

Each year we review our compliance with the information standard ‘Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems’. This assures how we identify and mitigate clinical risks, document processes for clinical safety and test for issues that could affect clinical safety.

Clinical Quality

We continually define best practice with user organisations to ensure that clinical safety is always upheld. Clinical resources are available to help staff user teams deliver the highest quality of care using our digital tools. Our user community benefit from regular networking events to share learnings with their peers.

Technical security

All our digital tools are supported by an excellent-rated technical support team. Information governance standards are assured by our Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) processes, and we adhere to all NHS related compliance frameworks. Our service is part of Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust which has met the standards of NHS England’s Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT). We also have evidence ready to share with prospective organisations assessing our products against NHS England’s Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC).

Strong Partnerships

Our partnerships with user organisations are formed at the start of their implementation. Lifelong support is offered to help services deliver a successful digital offer. This includes help desk support, annual contract reviews and ongoing guidance on technical, marketing, or clinical aspects as required.

Supported Implementations

Highly structured and well-refined implementation processes have been developed by our PRINCE2 certified project manager. Our effective training programmes have been created by our TAP Learning qualified trainer. This ensures our implementation processes are as straightforward and efficient as possible for user organisations. The key workstreams of each implementation project include:

  • Project kick-off call
  • Regular catch-up calls with project leads
  • Key workstreams for clinical, marketing and technical aspects
  • Stakeholder engagement session
  • E-learning training programme for staff users
  • Project closure report
  • The team are very approachable and nothing was too much trouble.

  • I would like to say a big thank you for making the whole process as easy and uncomplicated as possible.

  • I think the ChatHealth service and support we receive is really helpful. It’s great having the conference call to listen and learn from other service providers.


ChatHealth messaging services launched in 2022-2023


HealthWebsites Local Areas went live in 2022-2023


online content libraries went live on HealthGuidance in 2022-2023


help calls resolved in 2022-2023

All Reports

Previous and current years’ reports are available from the links below: